
  • Release date : Aug 24 2023 - 10:40
  • View : 200
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Vice- Chancellor of International Affairs

Expansion of research-scientific cooperation of Shahid Bheshti University of Medical Sciences with South Korea

The Chancellor of Shahid Bheshti University of Medical Sciences in his visit of Food Research Institution of South Korea declared his readiness for development of research-scientific cooperation with greatest food research institute of East Asia.

Based on public relations report of the Shahid Bheshti University of Medical Sciences; Dr. Zali. Chancellor, Dr. Zarghi, Deputy of Research and Technology, Dr. Yazdan Panah, Director of the Food Safety Research Center of the University accompanying with the Korea’s Ambassador, and Director of Food Research Institute, Mr. Koozehchi, Ambassador of IRI in Korea, visited the greatest research institute of the world.
The Head of the Food Research Institute in Korea while introducing institute’s activities, expressed his interest in expanding research contribution and preclinical, clinical and food authentication knowledge interaction with Shahid Bheshti University of Medical Sciences.
 Dr. Zali. Chancellor of the Medical University of Shahid Behesti also introduced the university capacities, potentials and food safety research centers of the university as the future scientific fellow of Korean party and he suggested establishing a joint research committee.
 Profiting from novel technologies to distinguish food fraud and produce functional food, food safety and authentication and utilizing robots, artificial intelligence and bio sensors were among the major topics discussed in order to convey knowledge and experience between Shahid Bheshti University of Medical Sciences and Korean research food institution.     
  • News group : PublicNews
  • News code : 130669



